A thought came about when I was trying to decide what to plan for next (which I’ve been passively doing for the last week).
As much as I love the idea of just taking off for months at a time throughout the years of my life, I’m beginning to see the limitations of my plan. One major factor, of course, is money. If I was to stick with the original one-time-big-time plan, I’d not only have to quit my job, I’ll probably exhaust my savings on the trip as well. And, the more I get comfortable with my job and my relatively high salary (for a writer) the harder it seems to become to let it go.
On the other hand, isn’t that wussing out? Isn’t that just trying to be safe? The whole point of this trip, the whole point of my life right now is adventure. Traveling two or three weeks at a time is something I know I can do. But three or four months is downright daunting. It’s friggn scary. And I love the idea.
Yet, it can’t be the most efficient way to travel. Nepal is about three weeks on its own, India is another two weeks minimum. I’ll end up spending about a week in HK and Macau combined. If I were to limit my trip to four months (and four months worth of budget), I’d only have about a week and a half to explore some of the other countries attached to the mainland (I’m trying not to fly as much as possible). That doesn’t include travel time.
Considering that I’ve been in the Philippines for years and, despite my efforts, haven’t seen a fraction of what it has to offer, I can’t help but reconsider.
I find that I have these big ideas like ‘Everst Base Camp’ and ‘Traveling Asia’ and whatnot but when I start to plan, instead of finding ways to make them work, I find a million ways to water them down. That’s probably why I didn’t want to make any plans in the first place.
But then again, blah blah blah, Just Go!